Cris Azzi

Only two months were lacking for him to graduate in Social Communication at PUC­MG when he abandoned the course to dedicate himself full time to the cinema. He has worked in the production of tens of full lengths films. As Assistant Director, he collaborated with Tata Amaral in “Antônia”, with Mexican director Paul Leduc in “O Cobrador”, with Sergio Rezende in “Zuzu Angel” and Karim Ainouz in “Alice”, an original HBO Series. He directed the episode of “5 Frações de uma Quase História” (Five fractions of a almost a hi­story) and a long-length documentary “Sumidouro”. Actually, he finishes the short-movie “Another Day”, shooted in Beijing, China, meanwhile prepares his new feature movie “Sex”, adaptation of a polemic book by André Santanna.

<em>(Ficcion, short-movie, 8 minutes, in finishing)
Direction, cinematography, art direction and screenwritter</em>

<strong>”Another Day”</strong>
<em>(Ficcion, short-movie, 15 minutes, in finishing)
Direction, cinematography, art direction and screenwritter</em>

<strong>”Good Bye River”</strong>
<em>(Documentary, long-length, HD, 71 minutes, 2007)
The cinematographic registry of the migration of two communities in the Vale do Jequitinhonha region, in Minas Gerais, flooded by the water reservoir of Irapé Hydroelectric Plant.

<strong>“5 Pieces of Almost a Story”</strong>
<em>(Ficcion, feature film, 95 minutes, 35 mm, 2007)
Collective project – Co-direction and Screenwritter</em>
An obsessive photographer crazy for female feet; a man that projects himself on situations he sees on tv; a simple public officer that receives a proposal from a corrupt Judge; a slaughter in a marriage crisis and a broken heart secretary that dreams to get married. These five characters will have their lives changed from a hot weekend.
. Special Jury Prize – CINE-PE 2007
. Best Designer Production – CINE-PE 2007
. Best Script – 12th Brazilian Film Festival – Miami – EUA

<strong>”Good Bye River”</strong>
<em>(Documentary, short-movie, 35mm, 18 minutes, 2005)
The cinematographic registry of the migration of two communities in the Vale do Jequitinhonha region, in Minas Gerais, flooded by the water reservoir of Irapé Hydroelectric Plant.